#i am more a warm tone than cool tone person anyway
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yukipri · 8 months ago
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I've had my round 1 polish on for over a week now, so I think it's time to do the next poll!
Help me pick my next nail polish! This time in a more nude/pinky mood.
Pictured, from left to right:
1. Sand Viper (Mooncat) - pink-beige with orange-red shimmer - a nude with a flash of shine!
2. A Midsummer's Dream (Mooncat) - light barbie pink with blue shimmer
3. Lovebomb (Mooncat) - mauve with violet shimmer
4. The Trouble with Immortality (Mooncat) - bronze metallic, very glittery!
Thanks for helping me pick!
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moonsaver · 1 year ago
Brain rotting with the image of Veritas on his knees, pleading but also demanding..
He insists, cutting you off. The small beat of silence is enough to deafen both of you, but you continue with a deep breath,
"..Veritas. Please. I can't ever consider this so please stop asking me–"
"I am begging, [Name]. Do you think any person of social standing would be on their knees right now?"
He looks at you with fervor in his eyes, brows tense from anxiety and poorly hidden desperation,
"[Name], just think."
Another beat of silence. He takes it as his initiative to continue,
"Think about what I am willing to offer. Imagine every detail of the life I am offering to you, [Name]. I am pleading to you."
The grip of his sturdy hands tightens over your knees, digging into the hollow where your bones end,
"Doct– Veritas, I.. can't. You know I can't accept such a condition.."
Your hands nervously but gently try to push his off, crescent marks forming from the digging of his nails into the thin skin of your knees, but he doesn't budge. His palms form warm sweat on the skin from the prolonged contact, not daring to move an inch. His chin ghosts the inside of your thighs, as he leans over more, looking up at you.
"[Name], we can go over this many, many times. You should have already come to know of my desperation. I will make compromises, so make up your mind. Time is a thin, linear membrane that continuously flows and awaits for none."
His eyebrows furrow even more, the nervous desperation being slowly replaced by irritation, and anger. Your back has started to ache from how tensed up you've been, your neck hurts from being held at an awkward angle, looking at Veritas. Just how long have you both been talking?
"I.. I don't know, Veritas.."
You've mentioned his first name this time, without any mishaps. Progress. Slow, but progress – he notes.
"I have made a multitude of compromises to our situation and agreement. Are you really not satisfied? What do you exactly desire?"
His tone is warning. He knows what you may say, and what you have been for the past several times. You know despite having him on his knees, he's the one deciding and placing every piece of the puzzle anyway. He won't extend any mercy to you.
You bite your lip.
Freedom. You want to be out of his grip. Once and for all.
He knows.
He doesnt care.
"..Nothing. I just.. need some more time. Please."
Your voice comes out a bit softer than before. His grip relaxes on your knees, the skin finally decompressing a bit, given the extra space. The air sneaks in from small gaps, cooling down the skin coated with a thin layer of sweat.
"I trust.. you will make the right decision."
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faithfulren · 9 months ago
' missed you '
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(HEY GUYSS BTW THIS IS INSPIRED BY THIS OTHER THING I MADE !! (( izuku midoriya dating headcanons !! when you told him you liked him, he felt as if his world stopped spinning. he actually just... – @faithfulren on Tumblr )) IF U HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET, U CAN GO AHEAD AND READ THAT FIRST BEFORE THIS IF U WANT TO :3)
you were on izuku's balcony, it was probably like 1 am.. judging of how quiet the whole dorm was which was kind of rare. you peaked through the curtains and saw your handsome boyfriend on his desk, writing in his notebook, his other hand using a gripper underneath as it rested against his thigh. everything he did you found attractive, as long as it was him doing it. you would scream inside every time. you could barely resist to not stare at him, i mean.. come on.. his muscles are to DIE for. you would compliment that part about him to izuku every now and then but he'd just laugh it off nervously, thinking you were just teasing him or something.
you knocked lightly, hoping he'd notice and luckily he did. unlike the other times he'd kind of space out and focus on his thoughts, mumbling sometimes. he turned to see what it was, knowing he didn't even have to look since it's always been you on his balcony. he never understood why you kept sneaking in. but he did think it was cute.
he slid the door open to let you in and once you stepped into his room you hugged him, smiling brightly. you enjoyed being close to izuku, he feels warm. i mean, everyone's warm but he was like that comfy type of warm. you felt at home with him. you see him have that familiar smile he always has, you weren't sure how he always kept smiling even though all the shit that happens around here always seems to be dumped on him. i guess he really takes after all might.
he smiled warmly and held you close, looking at you. "hey, y/n.. couldn't sleep.?" you smiled and nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck, playing with dark green fluffy.. sorta messy hair. it was one of the things you liked about him. other than his kind, caring, selfless personality and many other aspects about your boyfriend. "i missed you, izu.." you spoke in a soft gentle tone, admiring his dreamy green eyes you could stare at for hours.
he chuckled and answered you, tugging a strand of hair behind your ear. "you saw me earlier, love.." he spoke as he gave you that one look, that one look that made you feel special to him more than anyone or anything. that one look that made you feel like you were his whole world. "i know.. but still." you responded to him, looking at him and never looking away. he just smiled even more before intertwining your fingers with his and pulled you onto the bed, sitting down right next to him. he sighed and spoke up, "alright, what do you wanna do? talk or do you have something else in mind?" he brightly smiled at you, waiting for you to respond.
"mh.. i wanna talk." you rested against him, feeling yourself get a bit sleepy. he wrapped his arms around you, holding you close to him. he nodded in response, "izu.. i really love you.." you spoke out, he stroked your hair gently and carefully. "i really love you too." he placed a kiss on top of your head. he tried to keep it cool, knowing he was blushing like crazy. probably thinking like "I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE A GIRL IN MY ROOM??" but you liked that anyway. "you're not like any other guy i've met.. you're so sweet.. really hot too.."
"izu.? izuku?? you aren't moving.."
"and why is your face so red??"
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the-catmans-offical-2 · 4 months ago
The offical art when it comes to Ed and Wrath are few and far between. However, there's some things I've noticed and would like to share!
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Wrath, as a human, would have blue eyes - while this is something we pretty much already knew just by watching eps 28 through 30, if you look at Ed's eye color then you'll realize that they're very close to being inverses of each other!
Also Wrath is cool colors (Blues and greens, blacks and purples) whereas Ed is warm colors (Yellows and reds, whites and oranges). I think that's another contrast or inverse between them to show who they are as characters - with Wrath being a homunculus he is colder colors like the tones of a dead body or just generally not something alive, while Ed has warmer colors like a living human would.
There's more differences between them! Wrath's iris shape is (in the picture and originally) more circular than Ed's - who's is more ovular. Wrath also has slightly larger eyes than Ed, giving him a bit of more childlike appearance though his facial shape keeps him appearing as though he is of similar age to Ed. (I remember reading somewhere once, and please correct me if I am wrong but I personally believe this greatly, that Wrath was made with the goal kept in mind that he'd be an opponent to Ed of similar age and similar in other ways as well.) Wrath also has sharp teeth whilst Ed has dull flat ones - oddly enough Wrath's ears are pointed slightly and Ed's ears are rounded, furthermore giving the visual feel that Wrath isn't human. He must appear rather uncanny to Edward or to any human - same with the homunculi in general - because he looks human but with subtle things that make him... Off.
Wrath is all smilely too, whereas Ed looks more serious or weary; Showing off Wrath's inital innocence (which stays there throughout the series until he was betrayed by Dante and Envy, and I will fight anyone on that) and Ed's lingering distrust for Wrath. Fun fact, in CoS he seems to trust Wrath more even though the two never see each other again. Oh, they're gonna be the end of me. ED FUCKING ACTED LIKE HE KNEW WHAT WRATH WOULD WANT, which leads me to believe they had a talk or just SOMETHING during ep 51 that was cut out.
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I have no idea what this image is from so please let me know if anyone knows! I've been curious for a while.
Anyway, Wrath:) He's poking out from behind Ed, and there's more things to point out between them!
Wrath is wearing dark clothes whereas Ed's wearing light ones. Like usual, Wrath's hair is down and messy while Ed's is up and neat. This is the offical art that made me realize that Ed has longer, thinner eyebrows than Wrath - who has thicker ones!
Also Wrath seems to be staring directly at Ed, but I personally can't read his expression as anything? Maybe curiosity? I'm not good with reading facial expressions lmao.
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I'm looking for a clearer image for this so I may update this post at some point to put the clearer one there if I find it!
Anyway so Wrath and Edward are standing back to back. They have a slight height difference with Wrath as the shorter of the two (I bet Ed is very happy/j)
Ed's expression is more angry or solem while Wrath's is a grin - but both can be said to look angry I'd think.
They both have a hand on their hip (Ed's in his pocket but Wrath doesn't have pockets, L) and the opposite arm resting more languidly at their side. They're both standing straight, Ed's head is tilted slightly downward while Wrath's is tilted up - no one else is shown standing back to back. Only Wrath any Ed. Al is there, standing beside Ed, but Gluttony is standing with his side to Alphonse, and Lust is more off to the side and facing the others rather than with her back to anyone. I think it is to further show that Ed and Wrath are such parallels (and Lust is standing a little to the side, possibly showing how she isn't really obeying anyone but herself - showing how she betrayed Dante and went to help Ed get Al back in exchange for becoming human again; But we know how that played out..)
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I'm not really gonna talk about these here, as one of them is simply a scene redraw, and they're more Izumi focused if you look at them - with Izumi appearing somber while Ed looks weary or even fearful, and Wrath is just.. Being a kid. Running and flipping, and then in the redraw fighting Ed and Al.
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The same could be said about these!! They aren't really interacting - in the first image Wrath is asleep at a table with the other homunculi, and in the second he does appear to be staring at Ed; But again Ed isn't focused on him.
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Probably some of the ONLY FUCKING COS OFFICAL ART I HAVE FOUND with Wrath in it. Wrath and Ed are facing opposite of each other. No one, other than Wrath in the image, is fully facing at a side profile - which at first I thought represented how he had died, but Alfons is there and so is Eckhart.
Ed looks wistful, not angry but not happy. Sad perhaps, which is what he seems to be a lot in CoS. But Wrath, he looks down right angry. Yelling maybe? His mouth is opened wide and showing his sharp teeth, his visable eyebrow furrowed, he looks dirty and tired. Clearly this is during his fight with Gluttony. I love that they're seperated by the margin, representing the Gate kinda - Armestrian characters on one side, 'our world' characters on the other.
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Again, this isn't really Ed and Wrath in particular. But I want you all to really look at Wrath. He's licking his Ed arm. In a similar fashion Dante does to Lyra's arm after possessing her body, and basically asking Hoenhiem to.. Yk, fuck. While I definitely don't think Wrath is doing it out of sexual desire or reason (that is a child, that is a child, that is a child), I do believe he's doing it to mimick or copy Dante. Wrath could've seen that she liked Hoenhiem, which is putting it lightly but for the sake of the sake I'll just say she liked him, and then copied her by licking said limb out of liking Ed or desiring (non-sexually) his body/limbs. To become human.
Also jfc Envy is buff, go back to being a twink you loser.
Uhh I dunno, I just rambled a lil. Maybe I'll make another post with this? Maybe not, but this is what you get for now!! Use my ask box if you have any questions! :)
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yunjin-lover · 7 months ago
The Stars That Never Align
Huh Yunjin x Reader
Summary: Being famous is hard. Dating is hard. Two superstars try to make their relationship work in their drama-filled lives. Can they do it?
~Multiple chapters
Y/n Pov
Los Angeles, California, U.S.A
Chapter One
“Hey superstar.” A voice says from behind me as I was cleaning up my apartment. I smiled recognizing it as my girlfriend, Yunjin’s.
“Oh please Ms. 4 Time Grammy Winner. You’re the superstar.” I reply feeling her arms wrap around me from behind. “
“Shush those mean nothing to me when I have you.” She replies with her breath hitting the back of my neck, sending chills up my spine.
“Yeah right.” I mumble melting into her warm embrace. Yunjin and I are both singers but she’s on a different level than I am. She’s way more famous than I am though.
Yunjin turns me around, pulling me out of my thoughts. A large grin plastered on her pretty face. “What are you smiling about?” I ask. She’s probably up to no good as always.
“Nothing, you're just so pretty. I wanna tell the whole world you’re mine Y/n.” She says softly, still grinning. “You know we can’t.” I replied. She pulled away from me, taking a step back. “Incorrect. We can, you're just not letting us be public.” She says her smile slowly fades away.
“I’m not ready. I keep telling you that.” I sigh, That’s not the full truth. I just got to the point in my career that I’ve been dreaming of. I don’t want anything to affect it. Now Yunjin is more famous than me and she could make me more popular but I don’t want to be famous because of her. I’m already known as that one girl who sings “Drivers License”.
“It’s my label Yunjin. They want me to wait.” “Again with that lie Y/n?” Yunjin scoffs, crossing her arms. She was right, my label is all for Yunjin and I dating since it could boost my popularity.
“I’m not ready, okay Jen? I’m still getting used to this whole being famous thing, remember. You’ve been doing this for years.” I reply walking up to her placing my hands on her shoulders. “Plus I don’t want to be famous for being Huh Yunjin’s New conquests.” I say jokingly.
Yunjin’s eyebrows furrow. “What is that supposed to mean exactly?” She asks, taking my hands off her.
“It was a bad joke. Let’s just forget about it.” I replied. Yunjin had a bit of a player reputation before we started dating four months ago. Yunjin gets closer to me. Her breath hit my face.
“I asked what you meant by that Y/n.” Yunjin hated being reminded of that time of her life. She stopped dating girls left and right when we met a year ago but I was already in a relationship at that time with Karina, another singer.
“I’m sorry Jen but do not get up in my face like this ever again.” I say pushing her softly away from me. “Sorry.” She mumbles, bumping into my shoulder as she walks away from me.
“Are you serious?” I say facing her direction. She’s pissing me off now. “It was an accident.” She says smugly. “You’re acting like a child.” Yunjin’s face turned into a shocked one. “Me? I’m the child? Please, You’re the child for hiding me away from the public.” Yunjin says the tone in her voice angry.
“So I’m the child for not wanting my personal life public. Cool.” I replied. “You know that’s not the reason why. I have to go anyway. Bye Y/n.” Yunjin says.
I watch as she exits my apartment.
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schmergo · 8 months ago
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My mom gave me this chocolate London kit for Christmas and I finally decided to use it as sort of a tongue-in-cheek Fourth of July activity. I love my mom and I don’t think she meant to psychologically torture me, but this experience lowkey led me down a true long dark night of the soul and then utterly broke me. Follow my slow mental unraveling below.
I should add that I am bad at crafts and once got gorilla glue all over my hands while fixing a child’s display-only gingerbread house and spent Christmas break with a hard translucent shell on both hands gradually flaking off over the course of a week, so a fair amount of this may be user error. But also the box says this is for ages 6+ and I’m over 5 times that, so maybe they could have done a wee bit more handholding.
Anyway, here’s my journey, which should absolutely be read in the tone of Jonathan Harker’s letters in the beginning of Dracula.
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The first hint that something was wrong happened when I melted the chocolate according to instructions and the next step said to pour it into the molds. The chocolate was not really the “pouring” kind. It was a chunky sort of paste that I had to spoon in. The molds filled unevenly and clumpily and at this point, I asked my husband if he’d let me try to assemble the rest of this on my own because I think I can tolerate my failure better if nobody else witnesses it.
The instructions also cavalierly said to save a “handful” to use as mortar for the chocolate tower.
How much is a handful? A Schmergo-sized hand or a husband-sized hand or what? I have very small hands for an adult, but this is for ages 6+ after all. I opted for a Schmergo-sized handful. I would live to regret that.
I chilled the pieces in the fridge for 20 minutes as directed, then popped them out of their mold. To my surprise, they actually didn’t look THAT bad.
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Looking at the pieces of Big Ben that I had to assemble, I became acutely aware that there weren’t detailed instructions on how to fit them together other than just “put them together” and no actual photographs of a real person doing it. The wall pieces were still unnervingly floppy and I decided to freeze them in hopes of hardening them while I focused on the clock itself.
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In addition to Big Ben, the kit came with a chocolate taxi and a chocolate double-decker bus. The taxi popped out slightly distorted but in a way I liked, with playful Toontown vibes. But the double-decker bus was still mushy and fudgelike, warping and rippling alarmingly as I tried to push it out of the mold. I opted to put it in the freezer, too, along with the walls of Big Ben.
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The instructions said to use the melted remaining chocolate to stick the pieces together and to apply it by sticking my finger in it and rubbing it on. It did not mention that, even after letting the chocolate cool, the warm melted chocolate would make the details of the pieces of the chocolate you’re sticking together start to melt, too.
I began to wonder if this kit had ever been formally tested by anyone and if the instructions were written by AI, like that Google search result that suggests adding Elmer’s glue to your shredded cheese when making pizza to keep it from sliding off.
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Nothing can prepare you for how bad the clock part looked, so I’m just going to let you deal with it cold turkey. Et voila.
As I cemented my terrible melted clock together, it occurred to me that I’d have a lot more fun if I really leaned into the ominous post-apocalyptic energy of the abomination before me.
What if this was the result of some kind of whimsical Doctor Who villain— or maybe The Unknown from that infamously bad immersive Willy Wonka experience— transforming major London landmarks into chocolate… during a heat wave?
How will will the new Prime Minister Keir Starmer deal with this on his first day in office?
I yelled to my husband in the adjacent room, “Maybe I’m just turning into the Joker, but this is starting to feel more funny than depressing!”
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“Mr. Starmer, a second chocolate vehicle has hit Big Ben.”
The bus actually came out pretty well!
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Trying to fit together the pieces of the walls would have been maddening if I hadn’t already been driven mad by the clock portion. The pieces didn’t actually fit together quite right, they were still slightly floppy, and the instructions said— after I was in blood stepped so far that should I wade no more, returning were as tedious as go o’er— that I was supposed to use ELASTIC BANDS to hold together the tower walls while the chocolate was cooling.
The kit didn’t come with elastic bands and I don’t have any in my house except for scrunchies with my gross hair stuck to them, and I’d already come this far, so I decided to forge onward. Then a piece snapped off.
Honestly, this rules, no notes:
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I did it, but at what cost? I don’t know much about British politics, but this feels like a poignant commentary on the current state of affairs or something. Should I submit this to the Tate Modern?
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kdogreads · 1 year ago
Richie Jerimovich HCs that just have to come out of my brain include:
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Mostly SFW but a pinch of steamy stuff bc of who I am as a person so MDNI 🤪🥵
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He’s afraid to get married again
He thinks something about that paper and ring will make him slip back into his old ways and he’ll let you down just like he did Tiff. So you agreed early on that you wouldn’t get married.
Socially, you start using his last name after a couple of years. No one really questions you, either. Christmas cards are signed The Jerimovich Family; take out orders are usually placed under his last name; all of your socials have Jerimovich tacked on the end; when you inevitably have a baby or two, they take his last name and you use it too when they start school. Anyone who’s been around a while knows you aren’t married, but anyone new just assumed you are.
“Should you—do I call you my partner? Like, girlfriend sounds like we’re 16 or some shit. Maybe just my—my girl? Nah, that’s bad, too,” He stresses over the title, like it really matters all that much.
“Baby, it doesn’t matter to me,” You wrap your arms lovingly around his neck, “Pretty much everyone thinks I’m your wife anyway, so.”
“My pretty little pretend wife, huh? I like that.”
He wants more babies with you
Richie loves being a dad. He’s loved watching Eva thrive and every stage she grows into and out of, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t miss the squishy baby phase.
He’s a sucker for the cute onesies that say silly things or big teddy bear costumes they can toddle around in. He’s so attentive and preset and it makes you swoon.
“Hey Richie, I, uh, I was thinking about asking you something,” You start hesitantly, not sure where his mind will be on this, “And it’s totally fine if you say no or not yet or—“
“Out with it. You’re scarin’ me, baby,” He gently presses his warm palms to your cheeks, “What’s going’ on?”
“Well, just—what do you think about having a baby?” You speak as clearly as you can.
“A baby?” You can’t read his face and it makes your heart race.
You simply nod, holding in your anxiety. Before you can react, Richie scoops you up and throws you over his shoulder.
“Richie! What are you doing?” You screech, playfully swatting at his toned back.
“I’m putting a baby in you right now, sweetheart,” He smacks your behind sharply.
You do talk it over a little bit before you really start trying, but it is entirely possible that Richie did put a baby in your just then.
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He’s so much more romantic than you thought he’d be
He’ll get you flowers on a random Tuesday because “They made me think of you, baby.”
And surprise with a delicious homemade dinner when he is somehow able to get home before you.
Or taking you to a cool new spot on his rare night off, having been invited by a local friend to try their new menu. He’s the classic, sticky sweet date that opens your car door for you and helps you with your coat and pulls out your chair for you to sit. Swoon.
If you have a little one, he’ll happily wear them strapped to his chest while you wonder through Target or a farmer’s market or museum. Dad Richie is the gooiest sweet partner, comfortably calming a crying baby or keeping them entertained so you can eat your meal or talk to friends.
He compliments you on everything
Like when you do the laundry he’ll say, “Damn, baby! How do you always fold my shirts so perfect?”
Or when you clean the house while he’s at work, “You keep a beautiful home, sweetheart. Can’t believe you let a dog like me in here.”
He kinda likes traditional gender roles (like you cleaning and cooking while he’s at work), but only so that he can brag about how good you are to him. Someone will compliment his suit and he’ll say, “My girl keeps me well-dressed.”
Or posting a cozy picture of the two of you to his 36 Instagram followers with the caption, “Before she got here this place was just an apartment but now it’s our home. Love you baby! #bigfanofher”
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He loves how comfortable you are with Eva
Dating when you’re a parent can be nerve-wracking, but Richie knew right away you’d be an amazing person to be around his baby. You’ve never treated her like a step-child, but loved her like your own from the moment you met.
He gets so emotional when he sees you interacting with her so sweetly, like when Eva needs help with homework or asks you to help her with her hair. He’s just obsessed with his girls 🥹
This man gives and gives
He’s such a giver in all aspects of his life: carrying in all the groceries, starting the coffee in the morning, brushing the snow off your car so you don’t have to.
As far as the sex goes, this man loves making you squirm and whine below him, buries his face in you whenever he can, and pulls orgasms out of you like there’s no tomorrow, leaving you a whining, whimpering mess by the time he’s done 🥵
Sweet Richie just loves loving you and giving you everything he can 🫶❤️
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I have a couple of question-headcanons-idea thingies about Yves appearance if u don’t mind. So would Yves wear more gold or silver jewelry? Like I can’t decide whether he would have cool undertones or warm undertones. Cool undertones because of his sometimes very icy nature, steely stare and almost vampiric aspects of his nature. But also could be warm because of the motherly warmth and comfort he gives off, he reminds me of a hearth.
Also we gotta talk about how tall this man probably is like legit. Like you always describe him as tall and slender but it didn’t hit me until today that this man is probably a beanstalk. So like he was a model at one point which lets me know that he’s at the very least 6-6’3 naturally, now imagine the heels along with it, I dunno I personally think with heels he may be taller than Monty which adds to the intimidation factor.
Omg and his HAIRRR!! I always wondered what his natural hair texture is like whenever he doesn’t do blowouts. Like does he have naturally straight, wavy or even curly hair, I personally think he would have straight or slightly wavy naturally but I dunno, what r ur thoughts (if you have any, it’s okay to keep these things vague if u want)
(One day I will draw him Omg as u can see I have completely hyper fixated on him if I was reader I would be in his walls fr 😔)
Ou shid i am the opposite of minding, PLEASE DO SEND MOARR it also feeds my brain rot
Yves only wears jewelry if it completes his look or it can aid him in manipulating people somehow.
When it comes to his outfits, he would wear silver if his clothes that day have cool undertones, and gold if it's warm and deep-toned. Yves could be your thermometer, if he knew that you're most likely to overheat that day, he would stick to cool neutrals. If it's chilly, he would don warm colors. Likewise with his choices in jewelry. Numerous other factors will determine his fashion, but the strongest influence is the weather and how he could use it to his advantage, making him much more appealing to you.
Yves's fingers are generally free of rings unless you and he were married. Then the wedding band will only leave his finger during certain situations such as performing surgery on you or cooking your meals. When he was younger, one of his favorite rings to wear was the brass knuckle. It would be a determining factor whether he beats his opponent into a bloody pulp, or he becomes one. As he grew older, he swapped that out with a quieter, secret compartment ring. A dash of whatever poison he decided to fill up that day does wonders without the mess and effort of throwing repeated punches. Perhaps you're particularly rowdy that day and wouldn't listen to reason, a little sedative would do the trick.
He does wear earrings though, mostly Diamond studded earrings because large or hanging ones would be more likely to snag on his hair and something else. He learned the existence of earlobe reattachment surgery through the hard way when he forgot to remove his hoops before a fight. But it doesn't mean he would never rock bolder styles, just rarely. During periods when he would wear his hair up, you would most likely see him wear pendant earrings that elongate the appearance of his elegant neck. Yves's extensive collection of jewelry he collected over the decade means you never see him wear the same set twice.
His height was kept vague because it would give me a lot of freedom to play with how he holds you. But just remember that he could carry you with one arm under your rear, on his hip, like a child. And to get to your eye level, he has to kneel. The height of his heels definitely depends on his goal and your personality, perhaps you're intimidated by his height. So he wears kitten pumps around you. However, to everyone else? Stilettos with red bottoms all the way.
Yves can wear flats or shoes, but why should he have to? He has worn heels for so long that it's actually much more comfortable to move in those torture devices. If you handed him a 20-inch lobster heel, Yves would walk or even run around in it as if he were wearing a pair of comfortable sneakers. His footwear must have at least a minimum of 2 inches on its heels.
If you pay close attention when he's barefoot, he's walking on his toes; he would be completely silent when moving around. But he's barely seen without some sort of footwear, even his home slippers have some height to it. This is mostly to alert you of his presence, so you won't have a heart attack whenever he greets you with a kiss on the back of your head.
His hair is implied to be naturally straight; he needed to sleep in silk curlers to look effortlessly gorgeous the next day. For the longest time, he hated his hair for not maintaining shape whenever he tried heat curling it. He wore extensions and wigs, and Yves tried shaving it all off to 'reset' his hair- that was one of the rougher patches in life he went through, he has experienced it all. Yves spent a good fortune on hairspray back then, he probably contributed greatly to the puncturing of the ozone layer. He wanted volume, he wanted structure, but he either didn't have the knowledge or the means to achieve that. Eventually, though, he learned through trial and error, through endless magazines and even research projects on how to care for his hair to look like his ideal. It's much thicker, healthier, and shinier than that of his past.
You wouldn't need to be in his walls, it's dusty there and you would get electrocuted with all the wiring in it. Yves wants you to come out so you would be in his lap, while he types away on his laptop. It's much more comfortable there, he wouldn't mind staying in the same position for hours and hours on end.
Just as long as you're fed, cleaned, using the toilet enough, and sleeping well. Yves will let you hyper-fixate on him as much as he hyperfixates on you.
But he knew that you wouldn't be able to even come close to his level of obsession towards you. And that's fine with him.
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lovelyiida · 2 years ago
kiribaku as your bestfrieds!
WARNINGS: implied fem reader, FLUFF, intimidating kiribaku yas, vulgar language, COMPLETELY PLATONIC RELATIONSHIP
A/N: sorry guys if this seems rushed, I currently have two projects due and I’m trying to get this out of the way so that I’m able to post lol.
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Kirishima and Bakugo as your best friends is truly something…
As the only girl in the group of friends besides Mina. It wasn’t easy getting into the friend group off the rip, it was almost like a secret association.
You had to know someone, to know someone, to see someone, then talk to said someone, then finally befriend that person to get in said friend group.
It wasn’t a simple: 'hey! Can I join your crew?'
You were introduced to Kirishima by a friend in hero engineering. They told you that he was cool to be around if you just wanted to talk, so that’s what you did.
You didn’t know later on that it would lead you to have four more friends down the line. One of those friends being Bakugo Katsuki.
He didn’t like you at first.
You'd come around with Kirishima and he just scowls at you, he wouldn’t even ask for your name and just call you an “extra.” And as completely narcissistic as that sounds—you still came around him.
Because I’m reality, you could give two shits whether he liked you or not. You had four other cool ass friends to be around anyways. And that irked him.
“So you aren’t gonna talk to me?” Bakugo spits.
It was passing time and you just so happened to run into the infamous 1-A crew in the hallway. It would be rare for you to see them on occasions like this, since you were in hero-analytics.
You bubbled up seeing all your friends, diving to Mina and Sero for a high five, waving at Denki and doing a secret-not-so-secret handshake with Kirishima.
And there was Bakugo too.
Turning towards him, you smirk. “And you’re name is?…” you ask, your tone overflowing with sarcasm as your words trail off. This makes Bakugo scoff, a stinky scowl etched over his lips.
“You know who I am, dip-shit.”
Bakugo walks up to you, pushing your shoulder a little bit, you flinch. “Watch who you’re pushing!” You yell, pushing him back.
“Well then watch who you’re talkin’ to!” He yells, pushing you back even harder. “I got one of the most powerful quirks in the whole school, watch your tongue—cause I can blow it off.” Bakugo says, a smug smirk present as he watches you shake in anger.
Walking away, he bumps your shoulder and heads to class. You see your friends walk away with him, as they scold him. Frowning you look up to see Kirishima with a guilt grin, “hey, I’m so sorry! Bakugo gets a bit pissed off when he hasn’t eaten lunch yet ha ha.”
Kirishima apologizes, a bright grin on his face as he reaches out to help you up. Smiling you grab his hand and push yourself off the ground.
Patting yourself down you look up at Kirishima and shake your head, “you shouldn’t excuse his behavior, he’s an asshole!” You spat.
“I know, I know, it’s just—listen, I think he likes you! He just doesn't have a lot of experience when it comes to the whole adding another person to the friend group thing! Just let him warm up to you, it’s only been a week!” He reassures.
You roll your eyes at his words. One part of you hangs on to the false hope that maybe he’s right.
“Yeah, whatever, see you around.”
The two of you would argue throughout the rest of the week. It didn’t matter where, it didn’t matter when, and it didn’t matter what it was for—the both of your were gonna argue like you life depended on it.
It could be over the smallest minute thing, like one time the both of you argued over how you don’t like spicy food ( if you do just pretend you don’t lol ), you didn’t understand why you were arguing because why is Bakugo upset that you don’t like something he likes?
Why can’t we just agree to disagree?
It was like a switch in your head that told you that if you saw him it was time to become more aggressive than ever. You were completely out of your nature, and when people you knew walked by, they would be shocked because they'd never seen you like this.
One day, the sky was blue and the clouds were nowhere to be seen. The birds chirped and the sun glared down harshly with ease, it was a cool spring day that was too beautiful to waste.
You were taking a walk outside until you spotted Kirishima on the grass working out, talking for a while, you noticed that somehow everyone else appeared as well.
you thought you were enjoying the time you were having until Bakugo tells you how the way you ties your shoes is wrong.
“Does it really fucking matter? They’re tied aren't they?" You spat at him. "Why can't you be a normal human being, eh?" Who doesn’t wrap the string around the bow first? Who the hell makes two bows and then ties? You damn maniac!” He exclaims.
“Okay then, I’ll be that!—you fucking twat” you harshly mumbled the last few words under your breath with a scowl. Bakugo’s eyes widen for a moment, walking closer to you he dryly chuckles.
“Say that again princess, I didn’t hear you.”
“Princess!” You yell in awe at his words, “who are you to call me Princess?” You say, poking at his chest.
“Guys! Can we stop torturing her now? It’s been weeks!” Denki yells tiredly. You and Bakugo turned at Denki's protest; it was clear that you were confused.
Your eyes snap over to Mina and Sero, as you see them burst out laughing, and Kirishima follows along with a small chuckle.
“What the hell are you guys talking about?” You growl. Your eyes look over to Bakugo and see his smug grin still hasn’t wiped off.
As if on cue, Bakugo’s hand harshly pats your shoulder. “Well L/n, you passed the test—you’re in.” Bakugo chuckled again before walking off. Astonished at his words, you didn't even realize he finally called you by your name.
“The test?” You mumbled in confusion.
Ah, the test.
On this glorious day, approximately two weeks ago. Bakugo Katsuki, Minda Ashido, Denki Kaminari, Sero Hanta, and Ejiro Kirishima all sat down and made a plan.
A test if you will.
The test is simple, they push you to your limit. If you stay and endure, you earn a spot in their group. If you leave, you’re not in the group and will stay acquainted with one another.
As harsh as that may sound, it was only the truth. They have all passed the test. it was without them knowing…but that doesn’t matter.
All that matters is that you’re in.
When you were finally “in,” you swore when you walked into school the next day everyone was a whole new person. Sero, Mina, and Denki didn’t talk to you that much—but when you saw them today, they basically jumped at you.
“L/n! What’s up newbie?”
“Sup L/n?”
“Ah! I’m so happy to see you, I have so much to tell you about!”
They were so boisterous when talking to you, it completely caught you off guard.
When you’d walk to class, you’d notice how you bump into everyone more often. Either sharing quick glances or stopping to have a chat.
When it was lunchtime, you walked out of class and saw Kirishima waiting for you at the door. When they dragged you to the lunchroom, you noticed that they made a spot for you at the table for lunch.
It also didn’t dawn on you then that you were sitting with some of the most popular if not the most popular kids in the school.
You were just some random girl from hero analytics, and you’re sitting with future pro-hero’s? Unbelievable.
Now, when you were a first year, you became friends with everyone. But it wasn’t until your junior year that you all became best friends.
Especially with Kirishima and Bakugo.
It was almost like two sub-groups within the six of you guys. Depending on the day, it would change. If there were a main three, it was usually you, Kirishima, and Bakugo.
This happened by pure chance, third year hero analytics classes were able to watch and study students in the hero course. Luckily, you scored high enough to be placed in class 1-A, as you were assigned to random students.
Those two students turned out to be your friends, so on and so forth.
When you spend time watching them, you guys would talk non-stop. Whether it be normal things or serious things, the three of you have a lot in common.
Growing that bond you have, you guys ultimately became best friends.
Sometimes it feels surreal to be able to be friends with them.
During break time, you’d walk over to class 1-A just to pop in and chat with everyone. You could see Bakugo's eyes lighten up, a grin forming on his lips as he sees you smile everyone’s way.
Everyone in the class knew who you were, even though you'd never talked to any of them like that.
“It’s because Kirishima talks about you non-stop” Denki told you one day. You chose not to read into that too much.
You noticed that you were closer with Kirishima and Bakugo one day when you saw that Kirishima made a whole other group chat with only you and Bakugo in it.
You guys would talk to each other for hours and hours on end, staying up late and night until early in the day. Laughing to yourselves about the inside jokes you all have.
Sometimes Bakugo would ask you and Kirishima to come to his dorm to hang out. You’d lay on his bed and do your homework. He and Kirishima would play video games together. Or sometimes Bakugo would play on his guitar while you and Kirishima just talked.
You notice when you come over that he doesn't talk that much. He told you he just liked having company over, which was adorable (you had to beat that information out of him).
Sometimes the three of you would go out to the arcade or out to eat. It didn’t matter what you guys did as long as you guys had each other.
That vow comes in handy at times.
Like that one day you were sitting at lunch with your friends and Mineta decided to ruin your day.
“I’ve never seen a girl like you before!” He creepily gawked at you. His short stature makes him too close to you for your liking.
“Um…I’m not in your course, actually,” you awkwardly chuckle “I’m in hero analytics.”
“Really? Didn’t know chicks were so damn hot in that course, thought they’d all be ugly.”
"Laughing," you hurriedly glanced around, and eventually saw Kirishima and Bakugo with lunch trays in hand with the scariest faces you've ever seen before.
Their hero faces, you’d call them.
Their eyes were dark, and their fists were clenched tightly around their trays. Walking over calmly they set their trays down and towered over the poor pervert.
“Hey dude, whatcha talkin' to L/n about?” Kirishima smiles at Mineta, hand slapping harshly on his shoulder. Looking down you see spikes ripple off his skin.
Looking over at Bakugo, who didn’t even try to hide his shit-eating grin. Hands out and fingers separated as short sparks of fire pop out.
You can say that Mineta never looked at you again after that.
Jumping up from your seat you give them a big hug and a loud “thank you,” you feel them take in your embrace.
“Anything for you L/n!”
“ s’no big deal.”
But it was a big deal for you.
You were thankful for your friends, every last one of them. You were upset that the time you all had was limited and that it wouldn’t be like this forever.
You were proud to say that Bakugo and Kirishima were your best friends.
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well shit guys, almost 300 followers, I meant to have something planned for 100/200 followers but it seems like it keeps growing. I might do a 500 follower special event instead lol.
— lovelyiida<3
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neuroslayyer · 11 days ago
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I don't wanna talk about it, is all that she had said. A simple dismissal spoken in a rougher tone than needed or even intended.
“fuck you, then. keep your secrets.” @rockerb0y replies back.
And that sets her over the already rocky edge. "No, no. Fuck you." V snaps, head whipping to glare where his reflection has glitched into existence. "Just because you and I are two halves of the same worm now doesn't mean you get to be privy to everything that still rattles in my smashed psyche! I'm still me! I think, therefore I am!" At the end of her rage is a very obvious note of desperation. A crack rumbling through her chest; lungs feel like they're being squeezed in conjunction to being punched in the heart. A taste of metal forms in the back of her throat, tickling her tongue.
Yet the waves of pain that normally signal the beginning of a malfunction never bring anything to fruition. If anything she's just worked herself up to a near tizzy.
"Besides...it's stupid." The column is cool against the heated flesh of reddened cheek. Her body full leans against the modern tomb. "I had the thought that I truly didn't know him. That maybe what I saw of him wasn't genuine." Fake. That maybe he only tolerated her till he could make his exit. Surely that can't be so. There was some tired melancholy in his eyes that she hadn't recognized in her youth, only years later recounting the phantom of him would she.
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Finger traces the characters of the name of the him in question --- Kaede. The lines of the epitaph setting her features aglow. This niche was the first thing she saved up for and bought with gig money. A weird splurge some would think; pissing eddies away on a person long gone near thirty years. "We weren't attached at the hip. But we spent a lot of time together." Him furiously scribbling in sketchbooks, pausing to help her with homeschool work. During stormy weather he'd tell stories of ghosts and demons complete with the appropriate theatrics. Their rare outings away from home, joking and laughing. A smile bright and warm as sunshine.
"I cherish those fragments. Is it truly possible to miss someone you didn't even really get to know? Or is it the idea of him I miss?" Pathetically she claws and clings to the threads of her lost bloodkin. Even when she thinks the wound has finally healed only for it to be ripped open once more. All she knows of him are those moments to be lost in time like tears in rain. Along with the heavily redacted electronic files never meant to see the light of day.
With a grunt, V pushes herself upright. Hardened gaze once turns to the pixelated projection of the dead rocker. It infuriates her how much he knows about her (more than anyone else has been given the privilege of), the ridges of her soul no other has tread. At the same time it brings her more solace than he'll ever know because that means she'd have to admit it.
Shoulders slump with a sigh till posture is readjusted to suit the reclamation of her own facade. "Anyways, I told you it was stupid."
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deadeery · 2 years ago
Hello I am very obsessed with your art the crisp lines and your colours are everything to me shaking in my boots !!/pos
Do you think you'll ever post a tutorial/speedpaint ? Showing maybe how you choose colours or how you shade, things like that (mb if you already posted one and it flew past my radar)
Have a nice day !
THANK U so much!!!!! to be honest my process is super hectic and messy, and i never really have a clear goal in mind other than the main focus of a piece (im really bad at visualizing things <\3) also i use procreate, so the speedpaint videos don't show my process of color picking and layer editing
buuuut if ur still curious heres my vid for my Ace piece, sense u didnt clarify (i used my sabo piece as reference for proportion and cohesiveness) content warning for flashing screen / lights
as you can see, i mess around a lot with my shadows and tones, and never stick to a certain color. Art is about experimenting around after all :) but to a little more in depth for my process, im a MAJOR warm tones user, and use softer colors for flats, while i usually pick cool tones such as green and purple (and blues, in this case) for shadows. Also i never really use actual pure white, always opting for light yellows or green/blues. It just makes it pop a little more imo for lineart, sometimes i stick with black, but other times i will go for a deep blue hue, if i feel like it brings out the flat colors more. Another big thing is i LOVE messing with layer modes, which alter my colors a lot. Some of my biggest uses being luminosity, color burn, and any light modes
Anyways im not an expert artists or anything and im still learning and experimenting as much as the next person, so im not all that organized and clear with my process so i apologize, but if ur still interested i could try making a clearer process tut in the future !
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baobhanlore-art · 2 years ago
*Across The Spiderverse Spoilers*
I'm just gonna rant a bit about whitewashing Miguel O'hara and how people don't know the difference between race and ethnicity.
Disclaimer: I am not poc. I'm white passing (Jewish whiteness is complicated) and if you are poc then I'd love to hear your perspective. I'm just repeating the views and teachings of poc figures and their analyses of media and representation.
So there's been a lot of crackering towards Miggy. It's happened to most of the poc characters, don't get me wrong, but I feel like Miguel's has fallen under the radar for the most part. But Miguel is often drawn with very light skin even though the movie has portrayed him as having light brown tan-ish skin.
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This is a screenshot from the train scene. As you can see he is still very much a light skinned person, not pale but a light skinned poc. And yet somehow people still make his skin way lighter than this. Practically the same colour as me and I'm Scottish and have ridiculously sensitive skin that makes me avoid harsh sunlight. Like it's not even that dark. And the train scene is bright as hell anyways, harsh sunlight and the white train exterior reflecting onto the characters, everyone's skin was lighter so I'd say his skin tone may even be a bit darker than this.
And often the excuse is that he's half Irish. But like, do you realise how terrible of a justification that is? Zendaya is half white. Barrack Obama is half white. Halle Bailey is half white. Are they perceived as white? No. Lukas Arnold is half black. Halsey is half black. Are they perceived as white? Yes. I'm not arguing Miguel doesn't have white heritage, but Miguel, at least in ATSV, is Latino passing. Just like I'm half Jewish and half British White but look more like my white mother, with the exception of my warm undertones and dark hair, meanwhile my Dad, Aunt, Grandad and Uncles are very explicitly Jewish/Middle Eastern passing. Nobody is arguing I don't have non white genes in me and according to eugenics I'll never technically be white, but I'm white passing. Similarly, Miguel has white genes in him and his Irish heritage could very well be part of his identity (I haven't read the comics so idk) but he's Mexican passing. He has Mexican phenotypes and you are erasing them by lightening his skin.
In short, if you want to know if a character or person is white or not, ask yourself how cops or airport security would profile them. That will give you your answer.
This is something Harriyanna Hook touches on in some of her videos, she's a queen, but I think the main reason why whitewashing Miguel isn't as openly critiqued as whitewashing other ethnicities, including light skinned ones, is that light skinned and white passing Latine people are overrepresented in Hollywood and the media to the point where people who aren't even Latine can be cast as Latine characters. Case in point: Ronni Hawk. It's incredibly rare to see anyone in mainstream Hollywood who doesn't pass the paper bag test unless they're a black man, which has its own history of fetishism and abuse (Watch F.D. Signifier, he talks about this in his colourism video.) Race and ethnicity are not the same thing but they influence how you're perceived.
(This is not me saying that they don't deserve to be represented, every culture deserves attention and representation, but dark skinned Hispanic and Afro-Latine people often get erased. Miles Morales is the exception, not the rule.)
So people don't tend to pick up on the erasure of Latine features and skin colours because it's so normalised.
I don't want to call out any artists in particular, that's not cool, but if you do see an artist who lightened the skin, I think it's important you let them know that it's an issue. They're more likely ignorant than intentionally harmful, but I feel like education around this issue is still very important.
Also idk if this is an ethnic thing but please stop giving him a K-popish soft boy face. This isn't an ethnic issue, it's an artist's having same face syndrome issue, but Miggy is hot enough without you erasing his sharp facial features. Istg if it weren't for his suit half of his fanart would be unrecognisable.
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archandshri · 11 months ago
22nd March ‘24 - [arch] Mad About Munch, Warm-up sketches and daaarknesss???
Good evening, Shri! I forgot that it is Friday, but at the beginning of writing this, I have an hour and 27 minutes until Friday is over, so I WILL be on time!
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Wow, like a lot has happened? But I also don’t have tons to show for it. (it’s because I’m working on cool secret project that I’m not allowed to talk about which is fun!)
Stuff i have been doing
Museums :0!!!! I have been travelling and in my old age apparently, I like old art now???
Gathering a lot of reference images - photos, but also general inspiration
Finally organising my digital space a bit! I backed up like 3 years' worth of Procreate images and cleared out half my iPad
Getting some of my sketchbooks, especially comic development, digitised and onto Google Slides! I follow a similar process to when I was at uni still, with a huge PowerPoint for a project that contains reference images, inspiration, plot bullet points, and links to google docs where I write the scripts, development sketches and finals. It makes it super easy to go back to important parts of the development and be reminded of things I might have lost in the development process
Warm-up sketches because you bullied me into it (affectionate)
Continuing to explore colour
2 things I would like to tell you more about: 1) Edvard Munch!!!!!! If you ever get the chance to visit the Munch Museum in Oslo, do it!! I hadn’t seen a whole museum dedicated to one guy before, but seeing so much of his work in one place, in person really helped me understand it better. They also had a fantastic audio tour to rent that made it super accessible. I had just come from thinking about colour last week and becoming more comfortable with darker colours, and I had been thinking about personality and narrative in settings and backgrounds - both of which he does really well. In particular, The Sick Child, Eye in Eye, and The Sun stood out to me.
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2) Play. AGAIN!!!!! I feel like I’m constantly having to fight myself, reminding myself to let go, play around, and explore without the expectation of a final outcome. You told me to try some 20 min warm-up and cool-down sketches - which I’ve been doing and has been going great! They’re not all perfect and aren’t supposed to be, but I’ve also had some really fun outcomes that wouldn’t have happened otherwise. I also feel like I’m getting more of a grip on colour :0
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Plus, I’ve found that I haven’t wanted to post my terrible sketches or even my better ones?? Which has been nice to make without the need for sharing. However, I have found myself craving a final image to share with all of Tumblr and Instagram, thinking of possible images that would do well on those platforms. I think there is a small part of me that wants to create those because it would be fun, but I think it’s mostly to fix the number-shaped hole :/ Hank Green made a good video which mentioned the fact that platforms are EXTRA BAD with teaching creators to be addicted to them, even more so than consumers. Video here. It’s good.
I was listening to the Imp and Skizz podcast earlier (Episode - Rendog pt 1), it’s a great podcast, they chat about Hermitcraft a bit but mostly about what being alive is like and being a creator, I really recommend them too. Anyway, Skizz said he was once told to ‘create videos that he wanted to watch.’ And I think it’s a good approach to have when creating. What do I wanna see/ read?
I would love to chat to you about the balance between dark tones and silliness in storytelling too, but it is 11pm and I do have to get up early tomorrow. Plus, I’m not sure I have enough thoughts yet. But for now, it’s left me thinking: what do I want to make? Am I campable of silliness in stories? I want to tell stories with an undertone of darkness, that discusses difficult themes, but how to we do that while keeping it entertaining and not just Too Much(™)?
I dunno, just thoughts I’ve been having. I wanna get them down, even if I don’t have any solutions yet. In the meantime, please accept these sketchbook pages in lieu of philosophical answers. 
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Thank you for listening to my rambles once again!
Love <3 Archie
Ps. I saw Frozen the musical and it was Very Sibling, and I cried. It made me think of you and I think you would like it (it’s only a bit different to the film but it makes such a difference omg)
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doubledealers · 1 year ago
Cold Hands, Warm Coffee
October, 9/23
Some more writing. I like this one a lot more than my first one
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Heather’s voice took over the cafe, cool and confident. It was a quiet fall morning and the three University students had just been let loose for a weekend. Heather lived quite far and went to a different university entirely. She still always came by when Alejandro asked.
The air was scented sweetly with pumpkin spice and apple pie. It was sort of overwhelming for Jude, who was invited, but felt unwelcomed. Heather and Alejandro spoke with purpose. They spoke with utmost enthusiasm and endearment. Jude hugged himself tight;it was colder than he’d like. His head bounced back and forth between the other two’s conversation.
Alejandro spoke with his hands, his words, his eyes. He was an incredibly articulated person. Heather, on the other hand, spoke what he meant. She was quick and to the point, sometimes using body language. Jude knew this because he has third wheeled far too many times.
“What’s up with you?” Heather asked, pointing right at him.
Jude grumbled “are you not cold?”
“I’m not anaemic, Jude” she huffed, rolling her eyes.
“Well I am”
Alejandro interjected “We’ll get our drinks in a bit”
“That would’ve been great if Judy here didn’t get a cold drink” her tone was incredibly demeaning.
Jude frowned and melted into his seat, biting down on his entire bottom lip;earning a little laugh out of Heather. His hands shook violently, as well as most of his body. Alejandro snaked his hand up Jude’s sleeve, smiling, a slight crease in his forehead as he did so.
“We can trade drinks, mi amado” he comforted.
Heather gagged, pointing at her own mouth “you two are insufferable.”
Jude mumbled and bit down on his thumb, “It’s not like it means anything.”
Alejandro clicked his tongue and stared at Heather before they went back into a quiet conversation. They usually spoke about personal matters, classes, and family lives. Jude didn’t enjoy talking about himself, he just enjoyed being around Alej. Sometimes he worried that Alejandro liked Heather more than Jude himself. He most likely did.
Their drinks came out, and immediately the three broke into giggles.
“Okay, Alexander,” Jude laughed.
“How could they possibly mess that up? That bad? Really? I can’t believe people” Alejandro groaned
“Well it’s Jude’s now anyways. A warm drink for your amor” Heather tilted her head with an
eye roll, her hair falling over shoulder. There was a comfortable silence.
“I got you that sweater, Didn’t I?” Heather grinned “it looks really good on you”
Jude felt his face flush, it wasn’t often he got compliments, especially from HEATHER of all people. “Thank you” he looked to the side, at Alejandro, who was sliding over the warm drink. Jude reached out for it, and the other enveloped his hands with his own.
“Jesucristo! You really are cold, pobrecito” he cooed. They held each other's hands, both wrapped around the warm drink. A warm feeling pooled into Jude’s chest, He looked right at Alejandro. His beautiful silky hair was tucked up into a bun, and his eyes were half lidded and fiery.
“Ugh! If you guys are going to kiss, just do it!” Heather complained loudly, getting a few looks from others. They both quickly snapped away from each other, Alejandro more so collected, but Jude looked like a scared animal. His face a blotchy crimson and his eyes wide as he took a sip of his drink; both hands around it tightly.
A warm drink for his cold hands, and also maybe his cold little heart.
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strawberrylabs · 2 years ago
Ok hi, i was looking around my tumblr and came across your blog and thought your aesthetic was really cute and cool, and then i found you match ups and i kinda want one so if you dont mind, can i have a match up from you?
(If you choose too)
the fandoms i would prefer are genshin, tokyo revengers and jujistu kaisen
I’m Ghost, I am Aquarius born, ISTP personality, and I’m panromantic with a male lean, with any pronouns.
im 5’5, shoulder length blonde, pale ivory skin tone, Grunge aesthetic and Green/hazel eyes, I have been told by a few of my friends that I look like a middle age man who either only drinks coffee or whiskey.
I have trust issues, I tend to be stand off-ish to people and prefer to be alone in dark and quite places, though I am open and happy around people I feel like I can trust, I’m a bit chaotic and tend to get out of hand when it comes to things I am passionate about, and I like to have deep meaningful conversations with people.
I like most parts of nature, like flowers, bugs, animals, and the sounds, my favourite foods are anything veggie or fruit and sweets, I listen too Grunge, emo, rock, metal, and punk bands, I do a lot of art, i enjoy drawing plants and my ocs, In my free time I do art, I read, write, and watch anime, some of my favourites are Death parade, demon slayer, and skate the infinity, I play a lot of video games, like Resident evil(I love anything horror and gory), splatoon, and legend of Zelda:Breath of the wild.
I hate jerks, bullies, people that are clingy and/or loud, I dislike red meats, I have Emetophobia and Trypanophobia, and I hate going out to public places like stores and restaurants for long perriods of type.
Bye, and have a wonderful day/night
Hello! Sorry for the delay! Tumblr ate my original post</3
I hope you enjoy!
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WARNINGS: potential spoilers for genshin, tokyo rev and jjk
I match Ghost with…
The two of you definitely met on accident while you were being attacked or smt
Like you were in some flower field somewhere just chilling and suddenly some hilichurls appear from nowhere
Cue Xiao’s entrance
He beats them up and you kinda just look at each other for a bit, both of you too awkward to know what to say or do
“...It’s getting dark, you should stay at the nearby inn until morning.”
And then poof, he’s gone.
But you take his advice and go there anyway
Surprise surprise, you run into each other again
It begins to happen more and more frequently as you stay at Wangshu inn
You kind of just vibe together in silence until the two of you slowly warm up to each other
Over the course of a few months we don’t question why you stayed that long you and Xiao become friends
And then slowly, more than friends
By this point, Xiao has vowed to protect you with his life
Despite how quietly the relationship began, the two of you often go into deep discussions about whatever topic comes up.
More often than not you talk to him about your interests, or he’ll talk to you about his happy memories with the other yakshas
You like to take Xiao with you to the mountains every now and then
Getting there isn’t a problem with his teleportation
You point out the names of flowers, and maybe make him a flower crown
“Ghost, what is the point of these.. Flower crowns..”
“They look nice :)” 
He still doesn’t understand, but he can’t say no to you<3
I match Ghost with…
(Tokyo Revengers)
You go to the same school
The textiles club went to the art students to ask if they could help design a project with them!
And that’s how you and Mitsuya met
The two of you would work on the project together at school most days
One day he asked if you wanted to go to his to do some more work (I know this sounds like a cliche hook up scenario, but I promise it’s not)
His sisters were a little scared of you at first
Especially when they heard Mitsuya joke about you being an old man
He had to assure them that you were in fact a friend from school
After a while his sister grew to adore you
Especially when you drew their favourite characters for them
Cue them asking Mitsuya if he’ll date you
“What? Don’t be silly, Ghost and I are… friends..”
… Yeah it was a little awkward after that
For a few days you two didn’t talk much 
Until eventually Mitsuya pulled you aside after school and admitted he liked you <3 
And that was the start of a very healthy relationship!
Mitsuya often tries to keep you out of anything related to Toman, but he won’t hide it from you
He believes that if this is going to work, he needs to be open about what he does
He’s so relieved when you say you don’t mind
He 100% makes the two of you something matching whilst incorporating your designs somewhere
He ends up making you a bracelet and himself a pendant
The main bead on your bracelet is the same as the charm on his pendant
One time the two of you were in the textiles club room after school alone (doing homework… obviously) and Takemichi walked in
He was shocked to say the least
Mitsuya made him promise not to tell anyone
..spoiler.. He caved and told Draken and Mikey when they threatened him about why he was acting strange
The next day it was Takemichi, Mikey and Draken who burst in
“Mitsuya! You didn’t tell us you have a partner! How come you didn’t tell me and ken?”
“Mitsuya you sly bastard, why’ve you been hiding them?”
Mitsuya sent Takemichi a very scary look..
Their jokes aside, Draken and Mikey understand why Mitsuya didn’t say, and they both promise to look out for you
Mitsuya breaths a little easier knowing they won’t tell
God only knows what he’d do if anything happened to you
I match Ghost with…
(Jujutsu Kaisen)
This is going to incorporate my headcanon that Inumaki knows sign language, therefore anything in italics will symbolise what is being said in sign :) 
You were a grade-2 sorcerer from a different school and happened to be spending time at jujutsu high school as part of a mission you were sent on
Inumaki was assigned as your buddy of sorts for the first few days to help you get around 
.. no-one really knows why Inumaki was chosen considering his limited vocabulary
Regardless, luck happened to be on your side with sign language 
“Sooo.. what grade are you?”
“...What does that mean?”
‘Semi grade-1’
“Got it”
After the first week Inumaki just decided to stick around
The two of got into some really fun conversations in the time he was your buddy
Mostly shit-talking and discussing the mission you’re on
Which speaking of, he insists he helps you
His friends are quick to point out how protective he’s become with you
Which leads to them teasing him
Which leads to him one day pulling you aside after class
“...Tuna.. bonito flakes..”
“We’ve been over this, I don’t know what that means yet”
“Inumaki what-”
“Oh for god's sake- HE LIKES YOU!”
Neither of you noticed Maki and Panda watching you
And thus started your relationship!
You know how he was asking to help on your mission earlier?
Yeah you don’t get a choice anymore, he’s helping
And he is hella protective
He’s also your number one fan in everything you do
You wrote something? He’s trying to convince you to publish it
Drew something? He’s calling up the galleries rn
You beat a game or did something cool? He’s bragging to everyone
You definitely converted his music taste
“Cod roe?”
“What’s up?”
‘Love you’
“Love you too”
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I hope you enjoyed!
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itneverlasted · 24 days ago
Hellooo Tumblr
It’s been so long (well for me)
I’m pretty confident my anonymous readers have now ghosted their idea of me or my page. I’ll miss you, just because it warmed my heart knowing I’m being heard from afar. :)
I actually don’t want to ruin this page/account bc I have such great yet sad memories of the things I’ve posted and reshared on here and it warms the younger me. I am currently now 25 years old and I’m thinking about making a new account… not sure yet.
2025 is a new year and definitely a lot of things I’ve gathered from myself from the past few years, the good and bad.
The bad: I’m no longer sweet (so I’m told), I’m not as soft and nice like I once was. My humor has changed. My voice has changed. The tone in my voice, has changed. The way I observe things have changed. I have a foul mouth. I’m negative. Many more ..Though, there are reasons for all of these changes. I’m not going to point fingers but it seems that there’s been many arrows in my path that I am trying to avoid.
The good: I am kind. I am considerate. I am giving. I am definitely louder (which actually drives me insane considering how quiet I used to be.) I can be very excited. I am curious. I am generous. I am grateful. The most important thing is, I forget that I am loved.
I want to start off by saying I feel like I can’t write anymore. I mean, I’ve never written anything great but I notice something you won’t understand. Anyways, 25, crazy— I always feel like getting “older” .. I’ve always thought it was a myth cause pfft, not me. I’m supposed to stay young forever—duh. NOPE. You’ll notice changes in your skin, hair, and body. Its saddens me to the core but I was just in a stupid denial lol. Also, girl calm down “25 isn’t old” I KNOW BUT I FEEL LIKE IM STILL 19 or 20. It sucks sooo much.
But I do like the benefits of being old than 21 ;)
For this part you can choose to read or skip. I’m just to lay it out about whatever comes to mind
I’ve gotten closer to my family a lot. Especially my immediate family, which I honestly thought there was no saving. Friendly advice with living in a shit home, it does get better. No matter how horrible your relationship is, it will soon disperse. It took many many MANY tries but you just have to play by ear when you get older.
Friends? God I’m so odd and weird. Idk how to, yanno, keep friendship without getting annoyed all the time (yes I know I blame myself which is why I’ll gladly accept the 2 friends that I have)…. I lied. I never know what “friends” mean. I’m complicated. I have one guy best friend who I can hang with and have been friends for with since kids. He’s super chill, a girls girl, and isn’t annoying. Then there’s this girl but I’ve drifted away from her.. we still talk, just not regularly. I met her through my job. She was funny. I do have a few of gaming friends tho. But I draw a line in that bubble between “online” and “in person”
Boys? Pfffftt. What even is that. I don’t see myself getting married either. If I did holy fuck.
My job suckssss but the money is good sometimes. Mentally and physically I’m checked the fuck out from that place
I learned how to play Minecraft a lot recently and now I. Cannot. Stop. My eyes burn, my posture is fucked, and sleeping schedule is still the same. Terrible. I still can’t get a full 8 hour sleep, not even when I was in school YAY :D but building a lot of cool stuff is fun. Fortnite is still fun ofc
I’ve recently started to love and subscribe a few people on YouTube. I was never a podcast fan but only for Bad Friends. They are so hilarious. Absolutely love it. Kai Cenat is also a G. Adore his videos and his shopping experiences at Walmart. Last but not least can’t forget CASEOH. Hehe, the best <3 those are just my top 3
I suck at gyming. Lifting weights is great and all but I feel like I’m beefy. I definitely prefer the High Intensity Hit Training. I love the idea of my whole body moving and getting my heart pumped. But I stopped going for almost a month because I got caught up with working 12-13 hour shifts back to back so I had no rest, no motivation, and no fuel. Then I went on vacation 3 weeks ago and finally came back and started my gym again. It definitely feels good to be back for the most part.
Omg I’ve been seeing so many people I know from highschool and if you know me, I PANIC. Why? I don’t know!! What if I say hi and I don’t get noticed back and I’m like ok great imma kms rn cause I look like a fool… But when I don’t say hi they notice me and I look like an asshole LIKE WHAT DO YALL WANT FROM MEEE. Also what if they judge my appearance or something idk what if they catch me in my ugliest form, no makeup, leggings, weird oversized top, and shitty hair LIKEE… do people want conversation during their shopping? Pumping gas? Working out??
I’m running out of whatever more comes to mind. Also bc my hands are cramping with how I’m holding my phone rn.. it’s 1:59 am currently so I should prolly dip
Maybe I’ll write again later????? In life?? Highly doubt it ¿?
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